INFORMATION FOR PARENTS » Medication taken at school

Medication taken at school

When your child’s physician prescribes medication to be administered at school, under state law, the dosage and times to be administered must be in writing from the doctor. An Authorization for Medication form is to be completed by the parents/guardians. The parent must personally bring the medication and the doctor’s written instruction(s) to the school office. Any medicine found on a child’s possession will be confiscated and the parent contacted. Office personnel will administer medication. We can only keep a one-month supply of medication, and it must be brought in the original container each time. In addition, any over-the-counter medication (such as Tylenol, Motrin, cough drops, etc.) must be dispensed through the Health Office, along with the appropriate Authorization for Medication form. Office personnel will maintain a written log of all medications administered.
Medication Regimen

The parent or legal guardian of any pupil taking medication on a regular basis must inform the health technician of the medication being taken, the current dosage, and the name of the supervising physician. With the consent of the parent or legal guardian, the health technician may communicate with the physician and may counsel the school personnel regarding the possible effects of the medication on the pupil.

Administration of Prescribed Medication for Pupils
Any pupil who is required to take, during the regular school day, medication prescribed by a physician or
a surgeon may be assisted by the health technician or other designated school personnel or may carry and
self-administer auto-injectible epinephrine or inhaled asthma medication if the school district receives
both a written statement of instructions from the physician detailing the method, amount, and time
schedules by which such mediation is to be taken and a written statement from the parent or guardian
requesting the school district assist the pupil with prescribed medication as set forth in the physician
Administration of Epilepsy Medication
If a pupil with epilepsy has been prescribed an emergency antiseizure medication by his or her health
care provider, the pupil’s parent, or guardian may request the pupil’s school to have one or more of its
employees receive training in the administration of an emergency antiseizure medication in the event
that the pupil suffers a seizure when a nurse is not available.