Jessica Cleveland » Welcome to Mrs. Cleveland's Class

Welcome to Mrs. Cleveland's Class

HELLO everyone and welcome to Mrs. Cleveland's website.  I also go by "Mrs. C" (your preference). Please subscribe to my web page to stay connected with what is happening in room 33.  On this awesome page you will find important updates, assignments, projects, newsletters, and other resources through the year.
I am extremely excited to start my first full year teaching at Sycamore Academy and cannot wait to meet you all!
Born and raised in Orange County. Went to Cal State Fullerton and I received my Bachelor's Degree in Childhood and Adolescent Development.
Met my hardworking husband and moved to Oregon where I taught 5th and 6th grade for many years.  In the meantime, had three active children and relocated back to California where we reside in Canyon Lake.  
Became CEO of the Cleveland household, which entailed chauffeuring children to various activities, becoming a board member of Canyon Lake Little League (the snack bar is fantastic), and taking care of my special needs sister.  Oh, almost forgot, I was awarded a Master's Degree in Education Curriculum and Instruction with STEAM honors.
Recently purchased two, cute Boston Terrier dogs whom I LOVE, and I finally returned back into the classroom as part of the support team for America's youth.  Truly grateful for my journey and all of my blessings!
Colors:  Purple and Teal
Foods:  Sushi, Mexican, Steak, and any type of potato (Let's be honest...I enjoy ALL foods)
Drinks:  Vanilla Chai Tea with Almond Milk and Ice Tea with lemon
Stores:  Hobby Lobby / Amazon / Antique Stores
Sports:  Football / UFC / Baseball / Supercross
Hobbies:  Boating; reading mysteries; camping; being one with nature in the great outdoors; watching Netflix movies/documentaries; kickboxing; organizing any mess; spending quality time with my friends and family
Birthday: February 27
Background image  Jessica  Cleveland`s profile picture
Jessica Cleveland
Graduated from Cal State University of Fullerton Concordia University Graduate with a Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction STEAM certified with Honors
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